On Saturday, June 18th, I set off for the day with two other hostelers, Katie and Sarah Magee.
These women are awesome. They're sisters from Louisville, Kentucky who saved up for a year to do a short tour around Europe. Both are awesome women of faith who were super excited to tour around London.
Being with them was a little strange, at first. I'd forgotten what it's like to travel around with someone else. I was used to my internal monologue, to my glancing observations. I don't have a camera, just my phone, so when I do take a picture of something it's mainly for referencing on this blog, so that you, the reader, will have an idea of what I'm talking about, or so that I will remember it when I look back on this trip.
I forgot that tourists take pictures solely to take pictures. The sky! The ground! The bridge! That bird!
I'm the exact same way with a camera in a new place, especially when I'm with someone else. Because, when you travel with other people, you get to be EXCITED about things.
The sky! The ground! The bridge! THAT BIRD!
When you're by yourself, the most you really do is pause an extra second and nod in silent agreement with your thoughts of, "Wow."
So, on Saturday, I got to be excited. And I had a lot to be excited about.
Even though I look like a tourist-- backpack, sweatshirt, hat, tennis shoes-- I rarely feel like a tourist. Mostly because I'm tracking down some place I need research from or wondering about real-life things, like, "Where's a grocery store? Where can I get my hair cut?"
The Magees were tourists and proud to be tourists, and I loved feeling like a Tourist instead of an American alien transplant. We went to Big Ben, Parliament, and Westminster Abbey.
I skipped across parks, leaned over bridges, exclaimed over latticework, and got to say a great many things about London I'd never realized I wanted to say aloud. Examples:
"Look at the Eye! It's so cool!"
"Westminster Abbey is so pretty."
"Look at the light on that building."
"The pigeons look dangerous."
"That church had wonderful toilets."
(One fun thing about traveling--you forget that there isn't always somewhere to use the restroom, let alone somewhere clean. So when you find a toilet, and it's clean, and even PRETTY, you'd like to tell someone about it. Which I did.)
---------I filmed a video of our excursion, and at some point I will post it here--------
I didn't tour Westminster Abby with them (done it before), but instead set out to get theater tickets for that night.
After purchasing the tickets I wandered around until I realized I was near the Covent Garden piazza, where I stopped in and bought this waffle, which smelled so good:
(I need to stop eating my food before taking a picture of it.)
The waffle was great until it made me sick. This occurred to me while throwing away the trash and I thought, "Oh, well that statement could be said about a lot of things; "It was great before too much of it made me sick.""
A funny thing about traveling: normal, mundane thoughts take on airs of great profundity. It's as though being abroad transforms us into more enlightened persons, and the secrets of the universe come to us in spontaneous prose.
"The weather turned rainy quickly." Ah, good things come to sudden ends.
"I wish I had my umbrella." Don't we always wish we had umbrellas stored away for life's sudden downpours?
Etc. Etc.
Don't worry; I'm trying to catch myself and refrain from an Elizabeth Gilbert/ Eat Pray Love evaluation of the world and my life and the mysteries of my soul. If I ever start expounding on how Big Ben's chimes are like the tolls of mortality, stop me.
Their friend Mallory joined us for dinner and the show. We ate at PJ's Bar and Grill, which was nothing like it sounds. Were you thinking of bar peanuts and onion rings? Picture linen tablecloths and calamari instead.
The waitress didn't bring our table a basket of bread, but instead carried a humongous basket of bread to every table filled with all different kinds, which she let the patrons choose. We really liked the bread.
Here's me and Sarah:
Here's Katie and Mallory:
And that night we saw... The Lion King!
Here's what the inside of the theater looked like before it started:
If we were this excited about the tickets...
You can only imagine us during the show. It was quite fantastic. Katie even took illegal pictures during the performance, until an irate usher caught her and made her stop.
After the show, we went to Charing Cross Station, where we needed to catch a train to London Bridge, where there would be a train to take us back to the hostel.
Going through the pass-swipe doors, Sarah and I made it onto the first train, but Katie... did not.
We yelled for her as the doors were closing, but she got there just in time for the train to start pulling away. She ran alongside for a bit as we frantically said, "London Bridge! London Bridge!" She kept yelling, "Two stops! Two stops!" as everyone around us on the train watched like we were a special advertisement for American Tourist Mistakes.
We did eventually meet up with her at London Bridge, which was two stops away. And we made it safely back to the hostel, just in time for the party I wrote about previously.
By the way, earlier that day I danced with a mime.
And that was Saturday!